Communication Strategies

Prepared by Lan Thuong Nguyen, a PhD. Candidate from the International Doctoral Program in Asia-Pacific Studies (IDAS) at National Chengchi University (NCCU), at the Center for Asia-Pacific Resilience and Innovation (CAPRi). Lan Thuong Nguyen is a co-author of this project, collaborating with Dr. Yen Pottinger, an American researcher, with clearly defined roles. Nguyen's primary responsibilities include sourcing and analyzing documents related to public health policies during the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccination promotion programs, communication strategies, and research articles on vaccine acceptance rates among the Vietnamese population. She also examines public sentiment regarding the government's COVID-19 strategies and other pertinent information. Consequently, Nguyen curated and compiled the datasets, which are stored in Depositar, and she oversees their storage, management, and any necessary customization. This process incurs no additional costs for resources, storage, or data preparation. Access to the datasets, which contain no personal data, will be managed by Nguyen through the repository. The below dataset is part of the broader project titled “Misinformation, Disinformation, and Vaccine Hesitancy in Vietnam.” The COVID-19 pandemic intensified pre-existing governance challenges, from rapidly responding to an unknown virus to creating economic relief packages for affected families and businesses. Governments faced increased pressure on their health, economic, and social systems. The promotion of vaccination, a long-standing public health strategy, became even more critical during this period. This project also focuses on understanding the communication strategies employed by the government to disseminate COVID-19 prevention and control messages, particularly through diverse activities on social media platforms, targeting various demographic groups across the community. Files must be downloaded to use the entire dataset (depositar only provides limited data previews). This dataset consists of two PDF files, and fifteen JPG files. PDF file number one is an information synthesis of communication strategy cited from the official websites of the government and the Communist Party. Meanwhile, PDF number 2 is a comprehensive collection of communication materials and guidelines for COVID-19 prevention and control in Vietnam, tailored for various demographics and community settings. Finally, fifteen JPG files are posters of the government's media campaign collected by Nguyen to create examples of the campaign targeted toward different demographics in this project. In its present state, the dataset is presented primarily in English.



Wikidata 關鍵字

  • Q84263196
  • Q1780527
  • Q23983664


  • 辦公軟體文件
  • 影像
語言 英文 (eng)


起始時間 2024-02
結束時間 2024-05


產製者 Lan Thuong Nguyen
資料產製時間 2024-09-18

The dataset was compiled between February and May 2024 as part of a short-term project, with all data accessed from official sources. These sources include the NCOV specialized page on the Ministry of Health's electronic information portal, Health and Life newspaper, Family and Society newspaper, and information pages of the Ministry of Health, the Government, the Communist Party, and the Vietnam Fatherland Front. The project was conducted in Taipei. The dataset contains a collection of posters and handbooks designed for various demographics, offering comprehensive guidelines for COVID-19 prevention in schools, households, elderly individuals, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and residents of apartments and dormitories. These resources, such as infographics, posters, and handbooks, were created to provide essential information for managing COVID-19 in Vietnam’s "new normal." Each guideline or poster is linked to its official source, and is named according to its target demographic. Further details on the posters and handbooks are available in the PDF file titled "The Government's Media Campaign Targeted Different Demographics." The licensing for this dataset is provided under a CC0 license for the content and metadata within the depository repository. As of September 6, 2024, the files within the dataset are licensed under CC BY-SA (, allowing users to share and adapt the content with proper attribution to the original creators. Any adaptations must be shared under the same CC BY-SA license.

聯絡人 Lan Thuong Nguyen