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On 2024年9月6日 晚上11:10:33 [+0800], Gravatar Lan Thuong:
  • Changed value of field process_step to The dataset was compiled between February and May 2024 as part of a short-term project, with all data accessed from official sources. These sources include the NCOV specialized page on the Ministry of Health's electronic information portal, Health and Life newspaper, Family and Society newspaper, and information pages of the Ministry of Health, the Government, the Communist Party, and the Vietnam Fatherland Front. The project was conducted in Taipei. The dataset contains a collection of posters and handbooks designed for various demographics, offering comprehensive guidelines for COVID-19 prevention in schools, households, elderly individuals, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and residents of apartments and dormitories. These resources, such as infographics, posters, and handbooks, were created to provide essential information for managing COVID-19 in Vietnam’s "new normal." Each guideline or poster is linked to its official source, and is named according to its target demographic. Further details on the posters and handbooks are available in the PDF file titled "The Government's Media Campaign Targeted Different Demographics." The licensing for this dataset is provided under a CC0 license for the content and metadata within the depository repository. As of September 6, 2024, the files within the dataset are licensed under CC BY-SA (, allowing users to share and adapt the content with proper attribution to the original creators. Any adaptations must be shared under the same CC BY-SA license. in Misinformation, Disinformation, and Vaccine Hesitancy in Vietnam

  • Changed value of field keywords to ['Q1780527', 'Q56641686', 'Q13579947', 'Q189656', 'Q189603', 'Q881', 'Q84263196'] in Misinformation, Disinformation, and Vaccine Hesitancy in Vietnam