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下次清除時間 Next Purge: 2024/12/31
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On May 21, 2024 at 5:56:38 PM +0800, Gravatar ally:
  • Updated description of TaiBIF 2024 - Ally to


  • Changed value of field x_max to 120.39945079945029 in TaiBIF 2024 - Ally

  • Changed value of field y_min to 23.093172377269216 in TaiBIF 2024 - Ally

  • Changed value of field spatial to {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[120.28209686279298,23.137952767800165],[120.39945079945029,23.115564420698576],[120.35513098351659,23.093172377269216],[120.28209686279298,23.137952767800165]]]} in TaiBIF 2024 - Ally

  • Changed value of field x_min to 120.28209686279298 in TaiBIF 2024 - Ally

  • Changed value of field y_max to 23.137952767800165 in TaiBIF 2024 - Ally