Earth Deity Shrines - First Edition

This is the first edition of the comprehensive Earth Deity Shrine Mapping project. It contains data related to 752 earth deity, chthonic, and community tutelary shrines found in northern Taiwan. Its focus is the Taipei basin, the lower courses of the Tamsui estuary hydrology system, and the greater Taipei region (including parts of Taipei, New Taipei, Keelung, and Taoyuan Cities).

Please read the file "About the Earth Deity Shrines Dataset - First Edition" for basic information about the dataset categories. Files will need to be downloaded in order to make use of the full dataset (depositar only provides limited previews of the data). This dataset consists of four .ZIP files containing digital photographs of each of the 752 sites plus a .CSV and an .XLSX spreadsheet of indexed categories applicable to each site.

In its present state, the first edition dataset is presented primarily in English. Subsequent editions be oriented towards bilingual English-Chinese accessibility.

這是綜合性土地公祠測繪計畫的第一版。 它包含與台灣北部發現的 752 座土地公和社區守護神的相關數據。 其重點是台北盆地、淡水河口水文系統下游以及大台北地區(包括台北市、新北市、基隆市和桃園市的部分地區)。

資料集類別的基本資訊請閱讀《About the Earth Deity Shrines Dataset - First Edition》檔案。 需要下載檔案才能使用完整的資料集(depositar 僅提供有限的資料預覽)。 此資料集由四個 .ZIP 檔案組成,其中包含 752 個網站中每個網站的數位照片,以及適用於每個網站的索引類別的 .CSV 和 .XLSX 電子表格。

目前,第一版資料集主要以英語呈現。 後續版本將面向英漢雙語無障礙。

Data and Resources


Wikidata Keywords

  • Q18413114
  • Q16648953
  • Q2670522
  • Q697295
  • Q1026962
  • Q524273
  • Q11681141
  • Q29553
  • Q1172284
  • Q44539
  • Q22502
  • Q244898
  • Q1867

Basic Information

Data Type
  • Archived data
  • Standard office documents
  • Images
  • Structured text
  • Chinese (zho)
  • English (eng)

Spatio-temporal Information

Temporal Resolution Daily
Start Time 2015
End Time 2024-04-07
Spatial Coverage show more
X.min 121.27532958984376
X.max 121.96128845214845
Y.min 24.847811516038053
Y.max 25.31671837192806

Management Information

Creator James X. Morris
Created Time 2024-04-12
Process Step

Data for this dataset was gathered between 2015 and 2024 at each field site. Digital cameras capable of capturing metadata (GPS, orientation, etc.) were employed for the majority of sites. This metadata has slowly been processed and certain complete datasets have been included in the first edition dataset. When certain data was not captured, it was independently identified and manually entered. The dataset does not reflect the full range of categories of metadata collected. Photography was collected using several different cameras: Nikon D3100; Nikon Coolpix; Samsung Galaxy A18; HTC Desire; ASUS ZenFone.

"Site ID" numbers were assigned using two methods: alphabetical organization of sites by District (with priority being given to Taipei first, then New Taipei, Taoyuan, and Keelung) for shrines documented between 2015 and 2023, and by chronological order of shrines identified between 2023 and 2024. Temple names and deity identification were identified through review of digital photographs. Li names were identified through signage at each site and cross-referenced with administrative division maps provided online by city district offices. GPS coordinates were identified through photographic metadata and cross-referencing with Google Maps. The category "Market Shrine" indicates whether a shrine was found within an established marketplace. The category "On Temple Grounds" indicates whether a shrine was found to be a part of a larger temple's complex. The category "Host Temple Name" provides the name of this larger temple. These categories were identified through field research and a review of photographs. The category "Documented By" identifies the primary investigator for each site.

Additional information about the process steps and clarification about categories can be found in the "read me" PDF and RTF files "Earth Deity Shrines First Edition Read Me."

The license for this dataset has not been specified. Please contact James X. Morris for permissions.

Contact Person James X. Morris
Contact Person Email